voidVariationalInference(int N, int K, VectorXi X, int MAXITER, int seed) {
// function to do Variational Inference
// inputs:
// N: the number of data points
// K: the number of clusters
// X: the data
// MAXITER: the maximum number of iterations
// seed: the random seed value
// set random engine with the random seed value
std::default_random_engine engine(seed);
// set the output file
std::ofstream samples("VI-samples.csv");
// set the headers in the file
for (int k =0; k < K; k++) samples <<"a."<< k <<",";
for (int k =0; k < K; k++) samples <<"b."<< k <<",";
for (int k =0; k < K; k++) samples <<"lambda."<< k <<",";
for (int k =0; k < K; k++) samples <<"alpha."<< k <<",";
for (int k =0; k < K; k++) samples <<"pi."<< k <<",";
for (int n =0; n < N; n++) samples <<"s."<< n <<",";
samples <<"ELBO"<< std::endl;
// set variables
VectorXd a; // the shape parameter
VectorXd a_hat; // the modified shape parameter
VectorXd b; // the rate parameter
VectorXd b_hat; // the modified rate parameter
VectorXd alpha; // the concentration parameter
VectorXd alpha_hat; // the modified concentration parameter
VectorXd lambda; // the rate parameter
VectorXd pi; // the mixing parameter
VectorXd s; // the latent variable
MatrixXd expt_S(N,K); // E[S]
MatrixXd ln_expt_S(N,K); // ln E[S]
double ELBO; // ELBO
// set initial values
a = VectorXd::Constant(K,1,uniform_rng(0.1,2.0,engine));
b = VectorXd::Constant(K,1,uniform_rng(0.005,0.05,engine));
alpha = VectorXd::Constant(K,1,uniform_rng(10.0,200.0,engine));
pi = dirichlet_rng(alpha,engine);
s = VectorXd::Zero(N,1); // initialize s with zeros
expt_S = MatrixXd::Zero(N,K); // initialize expt_S with zeros
for (int n =0; n < N; n++) {
s(n) = categorical_rng(pi,engine);
expt_S(n,s(n)-1) =1;
a_hat = a + expt_S.transpose() * X;
b_hat = b + expt_S.colwise().sum().transpose();
alpha_hat = alpha + expt_S.colwise().sum().transpose();
// sampling
for (int i =1; i <= MAXITER; i++) {
// sample s
VectorXd expt_lambda = a_hat.array() / b_hat.array();
VectorXd expt_ln_lambda = stan::math::digamma(a_hat.array()) - stan::math::log(b_hat.array());
VectorXd expt_ln_pi = stan::math::digamma(alpha_hat.array()) - stan::math::digamma(stan::math::sum(alpha_hat.array()));
for (int n =0; n < N; n++) {
ln_expt_S.row(n) = X(n) * expt_ln_lambda - expt_lambda + expt_ln_pi;
ln_expt_S.row(n) -= rep_row_vector(log_sum_exp(ln_expt_S.row(n)), K);
expt_S.row(n) = exp(ln_expt_S.row(n));
s(n) = categorical_rng(expt_S.row(n), engine);
// sample lambda
a_hat = a + expt_S.transpose() * X;
b_hat = b + expt_S.colwise().sum().transpose();
lambda = to_vector(gamma_rng(a_hat,b_hat,engine));
// sample pi
alpha_hat = alpha + expt_S.colwise().sum().transpose();
pi = dirichlet_rng(alpha_hat,engine);
// calc ELBO
ELBO = calc_ELBO(N, K, X, a, b, alpha, a_hat, b_hat, alpha_hat);
// output
for (int k =0; k < K; k++) samples << a_hat(k) <<",";
for (int k =0; k < K; k++) samples << b_hat(k) <<",";
for (int k =0; k < K; k++) samples << lambda(k) <<",";
for (int k =0; k < K; k++) samples << alpha_hat(k) <<",";
for (int k =0; k < K; k++) samples << pi(k) <<",";
for (int n =0; n < N; n++) samples << s(n) <<",";
samples << ELBO << std::endl;
intmain(int argc, char*argv[]) {
// get inputs 1 ~ 4
std::string method = argv[1];
int N = atoi(argv[2]);
int K = atoi(argv[3]);
int seed = atoi(argv[4]);
if (method =="data") {
「# calculate EAP for lambda and sort them to control the order of clusters」における処理の意味については